Winogradsky column lab page!

Welcome to the Winogradsky column lab page! Students from the Departments of Biological Applications and Technology, University of Ioannina and Icthyology and Aquatic Environment, University of Thessaly, Greece and the Microbiology course, Faculty of Sciences, University of Cádiz, Spain, discuss their findings on Winogradsky columns they constructed!

If you want to add a post, please feel free to contact the blog administrators (Hera Karayanni, Sokratis Papaspyrou or Kostas Kormas)!

Καλωσορίσατε στη σελίδα των Winobloggers! Διαδικτυακός τόπος συνάντησης φοιτητών, φοιτητριών και διδασκόντων δύο Τμημάτων από την Ελλάδα: Tμήμα Βιολογικών Εφαρμογών και Τεχνολογιών, Παν/μιο Ιωαννίνων και Τμήμα Γεωπονίας, Ιχθυολογίας και Υδάτινου Περιβάλλοντος, Παν/μιο Θεσσαλίας και ενός από την Ισπανία: Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών, Πανεπιστήμιο του Cadiz. Παρακολουθούμε, σχολιάζουμε, ρωτάμε, απαντάμε σχετικά με τα πειράματά μας, τις στήλες Winogradsky!

Bienvenidos a la pagina web de los Winobloggers! Aquí los estudiantes y profesores de dos departamentos griegos, el Departamento de Aplicaciones y Tecnologías Biológicas de la Universidad de Ioannina y el Departmento de Agricultura, Ictiología y Sistemas Acuáticos de la Universidad de Thessalia, junto con los estudiantes de Microbiología de la Facultad de Ciencias en la Universidad de Cádiz, se reúnen para observar, comentar, preguntar y responder a preguntas relacionadas con nuestro experimento, la columna Winogradsky.

Winogradksy columns

Winogradksy columns
'In the field of observation, chance only favors the prepared mind' Pasteur 1854

Blog posts

Friday, 29 May 2015


Team 11(Mylonas Ioannis - Mellos Giorgos)

Hello Winobloggers,
We are a two person team from university of Thessaly in Greece and our experiment was the Winogradsky column. We took samples (sediment and sea water) from Anavros region just little outside of Volos city.Also in our experiment we added an egg(as source of calcium and sulphur) and newpaper scraps (as source of cellulose). The place that we put our column was a close room with no light sources.

1st Day (18/3/15)
In the first day we put the materials of column in a plastic bottle.2/3 of this was sediment from Anavros mixture with newpaper scraps and the egg we mentioned above. And the rest 1/3 of it was filled with seawater. 

                                                                              Day 1                                                                              After 9 days (26/3/15)
We noticed that the 1/3 of sediment became slight darker from the rest.This is due the presence of FeS Which is produced by anaerobic microorganisms present in the column.

                                                                            Day 9
After 18 days (4/4/15)
We noticed that the 3/4 of sediment became darker from the rest.
                                                                           Day 18
After 1 month (18/4/15)
After a month that began the experiment we observed that the 4/5 of sediment has become black due to the presence of FeS in the sediment. While the remaining 1/5 has a gray color.
                                                                          1 month
After 1 month and 8 days (26/4/15)
We have noticed that all the column has become black due to the presence of Fes in the sediment.

                                                                    1 month and 8 days

Wednesday, 27 May 2015


                                         Winogradsky Column (team 12)

                                                      Ntavaros Christos- Neofytou Marina

Hello Winobloggers,we are a team  from the University of Thessaly, Greece and our experiment of Winogradsky column took place in Volos.We took sediment and seawater from Anayros beach.We used a plastic bottle (1,5L), seawater (~500ml), an egg, pieces of newspaper and  sediment from the beach.

day 1 

At the first day of our experiment we placed our column in a bright spot and sealed.



day 2

After 3 weeks we noticed some changes in the colour of the water . The black color of the sediment  is caused by the presence of FeS from the anaerobic respiration.

 day 3

In a week later, sediment became little darker.

 day 4

Finally at the last day, we can see the black colour of the sediment in the whole bottle and the cloudy water because of the anaerobic conditions in the column.

Aska Ioanna - Giannakos Kostas

Hello everyone!!
            We are a team of two people and we have an experiment about the Winogradsky column. The Winogradsky column is a simple device for culturing a large diversity of microorganisms. The device is a column of sea sediment and water mixed with a carbon source such as newspaper (containing cellulose), egg-shells (containing calcium carbonate), and a sulfur source such as egg yolk. The column is a plastic bottle that is filled with two third full of a rough mixture of ingredients and one third full of sea water.  The place that we put our bottle , was interior. Incubation took place in sunlight for 7 weeks. The ingredients of our experiment were taken from Anauros beach which is located in the southewest of Volos. Let’s see the progress  of our experiment.
1st day
            During the first day of our experiment, the column was sealed and placed in a bright place with small temperature changes.
Image 1

After 2 weeks
            Here we noticed an increase in the turbidity of water. Because of oxygen's low solubility in water, the water quickly becomes anoxic so we observed the creation of a black banding around the bottle. The black color is caused by the presence of FeS (silica-mineral), which is formed anaerobically from the iron and sulfur reactions, as there is production of hydrogen sulfide.
Image 2
After 4 weeks
            Here, the black color increased in our experiment and the  turbidity of water increased too. Anaerobic bacteria are still present to a large extent in the sediment, and there is still capacity for biofilm creation and colony expansion.
Image 3
After 6 weeks
            After 6 weeks we observed that the bottle of our experiment   became  totally  black at all levels and the turbidity reduced in addition with the previous  observation.
Image 4

            While the Winogradsky column is an excellent tool to see whole communities of bacteria, it does not allow one to see the densities or individual bacterial colonies. However its importance in environmental microbiology should not be overlooked and it is still an excellent tool to determine the major bacterial communities in a sample.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Winogradsky Column (Team 01)

Team 01 Aggelakopoulos Rafail - Antoniou Kostas

Hello Winobloggers,

We are a two person team from university of Thessaly in Greece and we are doing an experiment with the Winogradsky column. In the column we used a plastic bottle (1,5L), which was cut just below the upper part , seawater (~500ml), an egg, pieces of newspaper and an amount of sediment from the beach of Anavros, a region of Volos.


Day 1
  •  Day 1
  • At the first day of the experiment we sealed the column and was held in the dark, inside a locker.
Day 2

  • Day 2
After three days we can see a slight change in the turbidity of the water style. In the sediment we haven't seen any changes yet.

Day 3

  • Day 3
In this photo we can see the water style becoming darker due to the FeS which is released from the anaerobic processes which are taking place inside the column. In the sediment we can see a blackish color at its first layer because of the production of H2S from the iron and sulfide reactions. These reactions are commonly known as anaerobic digestion 

Day 4
Day 4

  • Day 4
In these images we can see the higher rate of the anaerobic processes which is depicted from the black color of the water column. We can also see the black banding which is more intense and deeper. Finally we can see the formation of  CaCOas a result of the existance of calcium from the eggshell.

Day 5
Day 5

  • Day 5
In the last images we can see the black zoning going deeper in the sediment. Also we see the formed CaCO3 getting bigger. 

Winogradsky Column (Team 16)

Team 16 (Sotiropoulos Giorgos - Terpos Ioannis)

Hello Winobloggers,
The experiment was the Winogradsky column. We are a two person team from the University of Thessaly, Greece.  The experiment was held in Volos in the region of Anavros. We used a plastic bottle (1,5L), seawater (~500ml), an egg, pieces of newspaper and an amount of sediment from the beach.
  • Day 1 (18/3/2015)
 At the first day of our experiment we placed our column in a bright spot and sealed.

  •  Day 2 (28/3/2015)
After ten days we can see the water bluring and changing color and becoming yellow. This is a result of the photosynthesis of the phutoplankton.

Day 2
  •  Day 3 (10/4/2015)
In this image of the column we can see the color of the water changed in to bright pink. This is a result of the existanse of Calcium from the egg shell. The sediment begins to becοme black due to the presence of the FeS from the anaerobic respiration.
Day 3
  •  Day 4 (20/5/2015)
As we can see at the last picture the color of the water is between dark red and brown and the column is black with reddish dots because of the anaerobic conditions  in the column and the light.

Day 4

Monday, 11 May 2015

Cádiz,7B:Experiment of Winogradsky´s column. Seventh-tenth week(15th April-12th May).

Hello winobloggers:

This is my fifth post about our Winogradsky's column.I want to remember that in the before post I said that the thiobacillus transform the suplhides to sulphates( sulphuric acid) and, for this reason, these bacteria have proliferated.

These weeks,the brown part of the mix has progressed almost to the base of the bottle. Now, there is only one centimeter aproximately of black part.

Also, in this week, two green patchs have appeared in the brown part. One is situated in the dark side of the bottle and the other is in the light side.  We observed that the patch of the light side is bigger than the patch in dark side. We believe that these  are poblations of green sulfur bacteria that proccess the  sulphates( produced by thiobacillus) to sulfur again.

                                          Progress to the bottle in thee weeks.
                                         Dark side                                  Light side

                                                                  Friday, 24 th April.
Friday, 1st May.

Friday, 8th May.

Green Patchs.
                                                    Dark side                   Light side

Cadiz, 7A: Winogradsky column report. Biotechnology A7

Hello everyone!

It has been a long time since the last time we posted here. Therefore, we're reporting the changes in our Winogradsky column over five weeks since it was elaborated.

You can see our first report by clicking here.

2nd week

The column has become darker, but there has been no other significant changes. These two images show the light-side of the column (the dark-side has the same appearance as this).

3rd and 4th weeks

We can see the light-side of the column has a lighter colour, while the dark-side keeps dark and without changes.


5th week

The light-side of the column is lighter than the last week, and some white spots have appeared near the bottom part of the bottle. Also, the dark side remains dark, with no changes.


White spots in the light-side


This is all for today. We'll keep posting over the coming weeks.

See you soon!

FIRST WEEK RESULTS (Winograndsky collum) FROM Ομαδα 7 (Καριπίδης Φώτιος - Καρακασίδου Καλλιόπη)

Hello fellow Winobloggers. Me and my teamate have the experiment of Winograndsky collum and took samples (sediment and sea water) from Anauros region which is located on Volos city. We also mixed those samples with a fresh egg and chopped newspaper.

First day of the experiment

2nd and 3rd day respectively. You can see the water gaining white colour cause of the Ca+ that has released from the egg's pod

The above picture is the 5th day and you can barely see the change of colour to black on the top of the sediment (creation of coats)

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


    This week our bottle has suffered an important change: big seaweeds have appeared!

    In general, the orange typical colour in the bottle has stayed. But the non-identificated ....on the surface last week has become into seaweeds.
    Then, on the bottom of the bottle, green bacterias have grown. These bacterias are sulphure depending photoautotrophic bacterias.
    The surface, where water is, is muddy because of aerobic bacterias.

Dark side of the bottle.

Light side of the bottle.



Hello Winobloggers!
    Black areas have totally dissapeared. We think that the reason is the same as last week's one: sulphure has been ended so orange bacterias are using sulphure precipitate to oxidate it, so that black areas have totally dissapeared.
    Something is floating on the surface, what will appear?


Light side of the bottle.

Dark side of  the bottle.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Hi Winobloggers,

I was looking through my pictures and discovered some Winogradsky columns I made 10 years ago. Do not ask me what was in them. No idea.

This picture is from (almost) the beginning of the experiment (some algae have grown in the water of column 3).

These pictures are cores 2, 3 and 4 from the picture above. Number 4 is the most good looking. Purple sulfur bacteria took over half of the core!

 Happy posting!