mud and lake water from lake Pamvotis, Ioannina, were mixed with a whole egg
(70gr), confectioner’s sugar (15gr), shredded paper (5gr). The first bottle was
filled with the mixture and then lake water, while the second one had the mixture on
the bottom and then just mud and lake water. Hypothetically, the
first bottle was supposed to grow and develop the zones faster than the bottle 2.
The bottles (1,5L each) were kept for 70 days outside on indirect sunlight.
The first 5 days the temperature was high, and the nutrients too many, so the bottles needed decontamination every day. In bottle 1 especially, there was a gas overproduction by bacteria, so all the water was removed, so the bottle could deflate. After that, the experiment continued with the bottle 2, wich was not opened again. No changes were found in the mud of bottle 2. The bottle, from day 2, had trapped gases throughout the mud that was produced by bacteria. The trapped gases possibly created a non-friendly environment, so bacteria couldn’t grow further. The only change found, was a discolouration of the water. It turned brown-red because some cyanobacteria that produce those photosynthetic pigments developed successfully in there. They even developed some darker colonies on the top of the water. Photos are from days 2, 14, 29, 50 of the experiment.
The first 5 days the temperature was high, and the nutrients too many, so the bottles needed decontamination every day. In bottle 1 especially, there was a gas overproduction by bacteria, so all the water was removed, so the bottle could deflate. After that, the experiment continued with the bottle 2, wich was not opened again. No changes were found in the mud of bottle 2. The bottle, from day 2, had trapped gases throughout the mud that was produced by bacteria. The trapped gases possibly created a non-friendly environment, so bacteria couldn’t grow further. The only change found, was a discolouration of the water. It turned brown-red because some cyanobacteria that produce those photosynthetic pigments developed successfully in there. They even developed some darker colonies on the top of the water. Photos are from days 2, 14, 29, 50 of the experiment.