San Pedro's River sediment + 0.3 g paper + 0.1 g CaSO4
Group 3B: Alvaro Lucero Garófano and José Luis Hernández Fernández.
Group 4B: Paula Gilabert Prieto and Pilar Grosso Rodríguez.
Did you miss us? No problem, we are back again to show you the evolution of ours Winogradsky's columns after 44 days
We can appreciate several changes in both columns.
The column 3B, which was in contact with the light has developed different changes.
Firsly, all bacterias which has grown in the column are photosyntetic bacterias due to the fact that they are in contact with light. Then we can classify this bacterias in two groups.
Aerobic bacterias and anaerobic bacterias.
The aerobics bacterias are on the top of the column because all the oxygen of the column are on the top.
Also we must emphasize that there are a gradient of oxygen in the column, and the more it descends in the column, the less oxygen are in it. The bacterias which are at the bottom maybe can use the sulphate as the last one who accepts electrons. So this is the reason why has grown bacterias in a different colour at the bottom.
The surface which has been in contact with light is lighter than those surface which has not been in contact with it.
The column 4B, which was in the darkness has developed some changes.
First of all, we can see that there are a gradrient of oxygen in the column again, so at the bottom has grown anaerboic bacterias.
the difference with the other column is that in this one has grown chemosyntetic organisms, so the colour of this column is darker than the other one.
Finally, Ours firts ideas of what could happen, are being succesful with our result