Winogradsky column- Day 44
Group 7B (Lucas Garín Ortega and Alba Mejías Gallardo)
Group 8B (Laura Lucena del Amo and Noelia Moares Fernández)
After 44 days, we have checked our columns and we have observed a few changes.
The column made by group 8B, the one exposed to sunlight, didn't have a lot of changes. We could see that the layer of lighter color previously seen was bigger than before, that means that there were more photoautrophic microorganisms. Also, we could appreciate that there were more bubbles, formed by the sugar fermentation of microorganisms chemoheterotrophs.
Group 8B column
The column made by group 7B, the one kept in the dark, has suffered the following changes. We could appreciate that the column was darker due to the H2S breathing of bacteria. The water on the surface has cleared and an orange layer has formed on the surface. This could be because of the proliferation of photoorganoheterotroph microorganisms. Last but not least, a lighter spot has been formed from a bubble generated by microorganisms breathing.
Group 7B column
How is it possible to have photoheterotrophs growing inthe dark? Maybe the orange colour is from something else? What can it be?