In our Winogradsky Column we can see a lot of
colours that correspond to very different kind of microrganisms. On the top we
can see a big green stripe, that corresponds to algas and heterotrophic
bacteria. Under this stripe there is a little orange bubble and we suppose that
corresponds to an iron oxidizing bacteria. Under that we can see amounts of scattered red purple colour, a
part localized just under this bubble and another part almost in the bottom of
the column. The part wich is localized just under the bubble corresponds to
non-sulfure bacteria and the other part corresponds to sulfure bacteria.
Alga obtains energy and carbon by doing
photosyntesis using the light energy and
the water. Iron oxidizing bacterias use Fe2+ and CO2. Non-sulfure bacterias use organic carbon and
light energy. Sulfure bacterias use H2S, light energy and CO2
that produced from the CaCO3. The CaCO3 and the water
were introduced in the column and the iron can be contained in the mud. We also
must remember that microorganisms that grow on the top have more oxygen and
less sulfure and the microorganisms which are in the bottom have less oxygen
and more sulfure.
Which column is which? what is the difference between the two columns?