Winogradsky column lab page!

Welcome to the Winogradsky column lab page! Students from the Departments of Biological Applications and Technology, University of Ioannina and Icthyology and Aquatic Environment, University of Thessaly, Greece and the Microbiology course, Faculty of Sciences, University of Cádiz, Spain, discuss their findings on Winogradsky columns they constructed!

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Καλωσορίσατε στη σελίδα των Winobloggers! Διαδικτυακός τόπος συνάντησης φοιτητών, φοιτητριών και διδασκόντων δύο Τμημάτων από την Ελλάδα: Tμήμα Βιολογικών Εφαρμογών και Τεχνολογιών, Παν/μιο Ιωαννίνων και Τμήμα Γεωπονίας, Ιχθυολογίας και Υδάτινου Περιβάλλοντος, Παν/μιο Θεσσαλίας και ενός από την Ισπανία: Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών, Πανεπιστήμιο του Cadiz. Παρακολουθούμε, σχολιάζουμε, ρωτάμε, απαντάμε σχετικά με τα πειράματά μας, τις στήλες Winogradsky!

Bienvenidos a la pagina web de los Winobloggers! Aquí los estudiantes y profesores de dos departamentos griegos, el Departamento de Aplicaciones y Tecnologías Biológicas de la Universidad de Ioannina y el Departmento de Agricultura, Ictiología y Sistemas Acuáticos de la Universidad de Thessalia, junto con los estudiantes de Microbiología de la Facultad de Ciencias en la Universidad de Cádiz, se reúnen para observar, comentar, preguntar y responder a preguntas relacionadas con nuestro experimento, la columna Winogradsky.

Winogradksy columns

Winogradksy columns
'In the field of observation, chance only favors the prepared mind' Pasteur 1854

Blog posts

Sunday, 21 May 2017

UCA_E7-8_2: 6th week.


Rio San Pedro sediment + 0,3 g NaCl + 0,3 K3PO4 + 0,4 g sugar + 0,4 g CaSO4

Several weeks after the Winogradsky column was made, many appreciable changes were observed in each column. 

In this image, you can see the different areas of each column after about six weeks of its completion.

In the column on the left, which was exposed to sunlight, there are four areas where different microorganisms have intervened, whereas in the right column, which was devoid of light, has three distinct areas. These changes are due to the action of different bacteria in each area of the column.

Column exposed to light.

This column is characterized by the presence of light, so the bacteria are photosynthetic.
The lower zone is characterized by being anaerobic and fermenting, but without oxygen. This fermentation transforms the organic matter into sulfur as a gas (H2S normally). This gas decreases as we move through the column to higher areas. In this zone, the bacteria transform the sulfur present in CaSO2 and transform it into H2S. This area usually presents a black color and occupies much of the column.
As we rise in the column, the hydrogen sulphide from the bottom is consumed by anaerobic bacteria that reduces the present sulfur. This area has a black color and also occupies a large area of the column.
The brown area has the presence of sulfur and oxygen. This zone is aerobic because diverse bacteria oxidize the sulfur coming from inferior zones. Sulphates appear in this zone.
At the top of the column is the aerobic zone, where there is a higher concentration of oxygen. For this reason, bacteria that inhabits aquatic environments appear. This area is rich in organic matter and is the smallest area of the column.

Column not exposed to light.

This column presents bacteria that do not use sunlight for their evolution, that is, they are chemosynthetic. In the areas of the column there are many similarities to those mentioned above in the previous column.
The lower zone is also similar, where the organic matter is transformed by the bacteria into sulfur, obtaining a great amount of that element.
Next is the largest area of this column, coloured black, where bacteria that uses all the sulfur from the bottom appears. Consequently, there is no intermediate zone in which the sulfur is oxygenated. This area is anaerobic.
The top is aerobic and it is where bacteria transform oxygen. This area is very small compared to the other two.
Moving forward in time, more changes will be seen in the column, as well as bacteria continuing to grow.

Ana García Ramos, Carlota Borne Bernal, Ernesto Segundo Mendoza, Maria del Carmen Espinosa Corona and Pablo Carrasco Ercilla.

1 comment:

  1. In your light exposed column you have some pink and white spots at the bottom. What are these?
    Why is the brown layer larger in the ligth column compared to the column kept in the dark?

    One correction. Sulfur and sulfides (and sulfites for enologists...) are more reduced forms of S than sulfate
