Río San Pedro
sediment + 2g CaSO4 +
filter paper
Hello, by the first time we can observed our bottles, and this is that we saw:
-Conditions of daylight:
In the top we saw some seaweed and there is not turbidity.
We apreciated two zones. One of them where the sunligth pass around the bottle, we saw the effects of the photosintesis that the bacterias show. In the other where the ligth didn 't pass we saw a change of orange color owed an oxidative bacteries. Under these zone we saw black points that are iron sulfide (III) precipitate.
In the low zone we didn't see alterations, only the iron sulfide (III).
-Changes at darkness:
In this bottle we can appreciate diferences, there are turbidity owed by the microorganisms that are behind this zone and the next one. It's corresponded by the oxidative bacteries. In the middle zone there are not significative changes, there are more iron sulfide (III) cuantity In the low zone the iron sulfide (III) deposits.
In general, behind the lines the observations are more or less correct. Corrections: Iron sulfide is FeS, so no (III) needed. Spell check please next post... ;-)